What to Expect


We are a diverse group of believers made up of various ages and backgrounds. It isn’t uncommon to see people wearing ties or t-shirts, dress shoes or tennis shoes. You will find a very warm and friendly atmosphere among our people. Our desire is that all of our guests would feel the sa

Bible Study Hour

Our Bible study hour begins at 9:30am on Sunday mornings. We have classes for children, youth, and adults. In each of our classes we seek to make sure our teaching and curriculum is firmly rooted in the Bible, clear on the gospel, and seeking to lay a strong foundation of the Christian faith.

Worship Service

Our Worship Service begins at 10:30am on Sunday mornings. During this time we sing songs, offer prayers of praise and confession to God, hear Scripture read, read Scripture together responsively, listen to God’s Word preached, and give money offerings.


Almost all of our music comes from Hymns of Grace put out by The Master’s Seminary Press. We love the doctrinally rich hymns of the past and present. We strongly prefer congregational singing which emphasizes the gathered body singing with one voice over performed music and loud instruments. We are lead by a variety of instrumentation (piano, guitar, bass, percussion), but see those as accompaniments that strengthen our congregational singing.


Our preaching is expositional which means that it seeks to make the main point of a particular biblical passage the main point of the sermon. We typically preach consecutively, verse-by-verse, through books of the Bible. Sermons usually last 45-50 minutes in length.

Children in Worship

We understand that children wiggle! We also see it as extremely valuable that families worship together and that children are a part of our corporate worship gatherings. Throughout the service, children are learning, hearing the Word of God, and discovering what the Christian life and the church look like. We do provide nursery services as well.

After the Service

Our service typically ends at 12pm. It won’t be uncommon to see our people standing around talking about the sermon or events of the past week for a half-hour following the service. These are also opportunities for our members to fellowship and enjoy lunch together. On the last Sunday of the month, we offer a church-wide fellowship meal. All guests are invited to a free lunch!