Our Church Covenant
As a believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, professing Him as our Savior, and being baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and believing that God, by his divine and perfect providence, has brought us to this local body of believers, we enter into a covenant with the other members of this local congregation.
We understand that this covenant is in no way intended to add to or take away from the clear instructions found in God’s Word, but rather, is to serve as guiding principles of how the Christian should conduct his or her life, and in the fellowship of this congregation. It is in that spirit, that we pledge to walk in Christian love towards our fellow brothers and sisters, and to seek to live out the commands of Scripture toward one another.
Further, we pledge to conduct ourselves in a godly manner in the world. Our aim is to do no action, or to say no word that would bring shame or dishonor to the Lord Jesus Christ, this local church or our personal reputation. We will seek to live a life that is above reproach. We will be just and honest in our dealings and faithful in our responsibilities and commitments. We will abide by the standards of sexual purity and ethical integrity as taught in the Bible.
We also pledge to cheerfully, willingly and with a sacrificial attitude, support the various and overall ministries of this church through the use of our spiritual gifts and financial resources, that we might be a living sacrifice, holy an acceptable to God.
Further, in keeping with the instruction of not forsaking the assembling of the saints, we pledge to eagerly and regularly gather with the other believers of this local congregation during those times of corporate worship, to offer praise, honor, and glory to the God of our salvation. We will work toward doctrinal unity with a humble and teachable spirit. For this reason, we are willing to be taught according to the statement of faith, which this church believes to be an accurate summary of biblical truth, and adhered to by the members of this congregation.
In addition, we pledge to do all we can through the means the Lord provides, to spread the gospel to the four corners of the world. We understand that this begins with the evangelizing of our own families, then moving to our neighbors and acquaintances, and ultimately, to the uttermost parts of the world.
Finally, we pledge that should the Lord move us from this place, we will unite with another church as soon as possible, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the teachings of the Bible.